Thursday, May 05, 2011

Dear Starbucks,

If there is anyone out there like me…or a little like me, you’ll wake up one day and realize what a crybaby you’ve been. Today was my day; I have been in such a funk! If I haven’t been verbally whining then in my mind I’ve been complaining.

“ I don’t have a job, Waa!”

“ I’ve no money, Waa!”

“I moved away from my family, (on my own, by choice) I miss my Mom!”


“Life is sucks right now! Jesus why or when will I get a break?!”

“ Waa!”

“I’m getting fat, Waa!”

I woke up to find myself convicted, and feeling utterly dumb! OMG! I’ve got a great-blessed life! The Lord always supplies, my bills get paid, I’ve got a surrogate family here in So-Cal (Which I don’t Thank enough for all they do for me.), I know I have my Moms love and support, My Sister is the best there ever is, I love being an Auntie, my boyfriend, Brandon, who is super sweet and thoughtful, a great church family, a fix for my addiction (aka: Coffee), Internet, which is a luxury that I don’t NEED.

I drove out to pay my electrical bill it was nice and sunny. Traffic was nice, I rolled down the windows turned up the radio and took that 30 minutes to just relax! A song came on, took me back to when I was in my early twenties my friend, Kimberly and I would get in her car late at night go for a drive or just to Wal-Mart. Blaring the music…preferably country. =) Remembering how happy I was then, and why can’t I be that happy now?! I can make new memories like that. So, with White Mocha from Starbucks in my hand, the sun shinning, wind whipping my hair, and Toby Keith singing. I decided that I would be happy, and content with my life. Some might doubt that God could be found or speak thru a mocha, a country song, sunshine, or the wind. I am not one of those, if a donkey or a burning bush. Then I say Why not?! I may make horrible mistake, and act a fool. But God is still good to me, and I’m thankful for His rebuke.

I love my life. Thank you Jesus!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Even though I miss home, I am not homesick. I believe whole-hearted that I am exactly where God wants me. The way I am feeling or feel towards my new direction can not be put into words, my expectation is GREAT! Can't wait to see what is going to happen next, like a good story!

The Lord is MY Shepherd I shall not want!

When I have more time and energy I will write more. Right now I want sleep, and...

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Is there any other way to live?!!

I've told myself over and over..."Amy, be careful what and who you invest in." My warning, tho like a fog horn, goes unnoticed. I pour my emotions, dreams, and confidence in almost, if not all aspects of my life. The let down being almost unbearable...I am so tired, and impaired. This I know, next time, I will do it all over again.

Jesus Christ, is a prime example of One who invested EVERYTHING, how many times have we discarded Him? I have heard tales of "being in love", the first person you think of when you wake up is your love, through out the day you think of them, pray for them, want the best life for them, and when you lay to sleep at night, they are the last thought in your mind. You keep that person in your matter where you go, who you are with. If the Lord was to have a sleeping and waking period, (which He doesn't) I, Amy, am the first thought in His mind. He thinks of me every millisecond, He wants the best for me! He wants to do things to please me, make me happy! He loads me daily with benefits! When He would go to sleep, I would be there in his mind. I am in His, this small woman, I am in His heart. His love is...

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Turn My Mourning into Dancing.

God is so good to me! I get so excited when He does great extravagant things, however, I get more joy when He does the little things, things that I only know about! It's so amazing His love for me, how can I not feel like His favorite?!

I've got big decisions coming up, I've sat down, did my pros and cons, prayed, thought, sought wise counsel etc. I feel pretty good about my choices. I feel that my support system has given me good advice, that they will have my back. Lord, I just want Your will, more than anything!

Am I living beneath my potential? Could I be doing more? Doing what?

My sister, Naomi, and I have decided that men get to have all the fun! They can talk like pirates and not sound stupid, quote movie lines with amazing accuracy, play the air guitar while still looking cool. "IT'S A MAAAANNSSS WORRRRRLD!!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Single mothers, stay at home moms, soccer moms, etc etc.

I have never taken my mom's hardships for granted, I know it was a struggle to raise two wretched girls on her own, to work thru her heart break, and we did not make it easy for her. I also know that she wished she could have stayed home for us when we were younger. Wanting to have money so we could do the stuff that we wanted to do, or needed to do so it would benefit us as we became women.

Since, my sis has been gone quite frequently as of late, and with Gram being in the hospital...I have had the extreme privilege of caring for the kids...I give honor to those mothers who stay home for their children, who give of their time so their kids can play soccer, gymnastics, tennis, etc. To all the single moms, who struggle making ends meet, I know it's hard, and a blessing.

Ladies take pride in your accomplishments, and be not discouraged all the hard word that is put in, all the love given to raise your children will be doubly rewarded in heaven. The Lord cherishes you, you are His beloved.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year...same ole' same ole'

I love new years, the feeling of starting over, new starts, new beginnings. It's a comforting feeling...but I relish the fact the every day with Jesus is a new beginning and it gets better then the days before! His mercies are new EVERY morning and flow abundantly.

As usual I have made the same resolutions that I have every year since becoming an adult who strives to become the Best Amy she can be. Pray more, fast (just do it), become more faithful, as a Christian, friend, daughter, sister, lady, employee, and runner etc. Use my patience instead of losing it, hold my tongue, stop being a push over...with tact "...a soft answer...", defend those who can't defend themselves, see the beam in my own eye, get out of debt, talk more, sing more, judge less, welcome what/who God brings to my door, see God's hand in all, even the most uncomfortable situations, know "myself", be comfortable in my own skin, continue to be happy being single, not to rush "things", Bless His name more, bring my family to Christ, Trust more in Jesus! I could seriously go on and on!

I am so glad the Lord has brought to where I am today! I look forward to what He IS doing! My expectation is great! I don't want to miss a thing...

Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's been a long time...

Apologizes are in my followers, sorry for slacking for the last month or so. The holidays seem to be the cause of...well it can go two ways One: We ether draw closer to friend/family even those we haven't seen in YEARS! We contact them outta the blue, or Two: We get so busy with the holiday hoop-la, (buying gifts, then going into debt because of said gifts, money is a stress er) that we lose sight of the important things. Ahh! But still I love the holidays! To all my friends, and you know who you are if you feel neglected or ignored, Haha! so sad! I love you all! I am so blessed! I hope in the future I can become the faithful friend you all have been to me, if you need me to name names, see the no particular order...

Tanya, Josiah Lopez, Chelle, Sis. K. Rick, Krista Valdez, Kimberly, Alicia, Rene, Sis. Woodward, D.J, Aaron, H.G, Kevin, Jess, Sis. Kim V, Kim W, Jen, Krista Ford, Casey, Cheryl, "My Home Girl" Ange, Crystal, Glenn, Steven, Josiah K., Alana, Nina, Kathryn, Stacey, JeanAnn, Jenny B, Sarah, Amber Dodd, Bro. Josh Lopez, J, Laura C., Sis. Theresa(The whole Fisher Clan) Etc...

I am not so ignorant or arrogant as to believe that your world revolves around Amy. The opposite actually, my world revolves around all of you. Just sometimes my rotation gets outta sync. Much love, and happiness to you ALL!